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Function glossary
Extracting values and metrics
In addition to any arguments explicitly specified in the function descriptions, the following keyword arguments (kwargs) can be specified: x, y, z, mas, brem, char, obli. See here for further information on these keyword arguments.
clone() Parameters ********** None Returns ******* : Spek A new instance of the Spek class with an identical state to the parent Purpose ******* Creates a clone (deep copy) of the parent Spek class instance (i.e. of a spectrum model). This is particularly useful if you want to apply filtration to the clone without affecting the original spectrum.
#!Python s = sp.Spek() t=sp.Spek.clone(s)
comment(comment=None) Parameters ********** comment : str The comment string Returns ******* None (but changes the Spek instance) Purpose ******* Associates the comment string with the state and it is included when the state is saved, or when the spectrum is exported. Calling comment() erases any previous comment.
#!Python s = sp.Spek() s.comment('My message') # Adds a comment s.comment() # Removes the comment
export_spectrum(file_name=None, comment=None, delim=';') Parameters ********** file_name : str Name of the text file to be created comment : str Comment (if any) to append to the file delim : str Chosen delimiter to delimit data columns Returns ******* None (but creates a new file) Purpose ******* Save a spectrum and associated information as a text file. Three columns are output: mid-bin energies in keV, total x-ray fluences (i.e. bremsstrahlung + characteristic) per keV, and characteristic x-ray fluences per keV.
#!Python s=sp.Spek() spek_name = 'Demo_export_spectrum.spk' # Specify file name s.export_spectrum(spek_name, comment='A demo spectrum export') # Export spectrum to file
filter(matl, t) Parameters ********** matl : str Name of material t : float Thickness of material in mm (it can be negative for stripping off filters) Returns ******* None (but changes the Spek instance) Purpose ******* To add filtration to the spectrum model.
#!Python s = sp.Spek() s.filter('Al',2.5)
get_k() Parameters ********** None Returns ******* : numpy.ndarray (1d, dtype=numpy.float) Array of energy bins (the mid-bin values in keV) Purpose ******* To extract the energy bins for the spectrum.
#!Python s = sp.Spek() kbins = s.get_k()
get_spk(**kwargs) Parameters ********** kwargs : Optional (can include any valid keyword argument for the set() method) Returns ******* : numpy.ndarray (1d, dtype=numpy.float) Array of fluences (# per cm2 per keV) Purpose ******* To extract the x-ray fluences corresponding to the energy bins.
#!Python s = sp.Spek() spk = s.get_spk()
get_spectrum(edges=False,flu=True,diff=True,sig=False,**kwargs) Parameters ********** edges : Bool If edges=False (default), the energy bins are defined at the mid-bin values, else at the bin edges (histogram format) flu : Bool If flu=True (default), fluence is returned, else energy-fluence diff : Bool If diff=True (default), the fluence or energy-fluence returned is differential in energy, else the non-differential quantity is returned (e.g. # per cm2 per bin versus # per cm2 per keV) sig : float If sig=None (default), the calculated spectrum is returned. If a value is specified, a Gaussian filter of the specified sigma value (keV ) is applied to the spectrum, to degrade the energy resolution of output. Note: Full-Width-Half-Maximum = 2.355 x sig. kwargs : Optional (can include any valid keyword argument for the set() method) Returns ******* : numpy.ndarray (1d, dtype=numpy.float) Array of energy bins (mid-bin or edge values in keV) : numpy.ndarray (1d, dtype=numpy.float) Array of fluences corresponding to energy bins ('# per cm2 per keV' (default), '# per cm2' or 'keV per cm2') Purpose ******* To return the energy bin and x-rays fluences together. If edges is specified as True, the arrays are returned in "stair-case" or "Monte Carlo" style format.
#!Python s = sp.Spek() kbins, spk = s.get_spectrum(edges=True)
get_kerma(norm=True,**kwargs) Parameters ********** norm : Bool If norm=True, the air kerma per mAs is returned kwargs : Optional (can include any valid keyword argument for the set() method) Returns ******* : numpy.float Air kerma in uGu or uGy/mAs Purpose ******* To obtain the normalized or un-normalized air kerma for the reference conditions (or those specified by kwargs)
#!Python s = sp.Spek() k = s.get_kerma()
get_hv1(matl='Al',**kwargs) Parameters ********** matl : str Material used to specify the half-value-layer (default: Al) kwargs : Optional (can include any valid keyword argument for the set() method) Returns ******* : numpy.float The first half-value-layer in mm Purpose ******* To obtain the first half-value-layer for a specified material under for the reference conditions (or those specified by kwargs)
#!Python s = sp.Spek() hvl1 = s.get_hvl()
get_hv(matl='Al',**kwargs) Parameters ********** matl : str Material used to specify the half-value-layer (default: Al) kwargs : Optional (can include any valid keyword argument for the set() method) Returns ******* : numpy.float The first half-value-layer in mm Purpose ******* To obtain the first half-value-layer for a specified material under for the reference conditions (or those specified by kwargs). This method is identical to *get_hvl1()*.
#!Python s = sp.Spek() hvl = s.get_hvl()
get_hv2(matl='Al',**kwargs) Parameters ********** matl : str Material used to specify the half-value-layer (default: Al) kwargs : Optional (can include any valid keyword argument for the set() method) Returns ******* : numpy.float The second half-value-layer in mm Purpose ******* To obtain the second half-value-layer for a specified material under for the reference conditions (or those specified by kwargs)
#!Python s = sp.Spek() hvl2 = s.get_hv2()
get_hc(matl='Al',**kwargs) Parameters ********** matl : str Material used to specify the homogeneity coefficient (default: Al) kwargs : Optional (can include any valid keyword argument for the set() method) Returns ******* : numpy.float Homogeneity coefficient (i.e. 1st HVL/2nd HVL) Purpose ******* To obtain the homogeneity coefficient for a specified material under for the reference conditions (or those specified by kwargs)
#!Python s = sp.Spek() hc = s.get_hc()
get_matl(matl='Al', hvl_matl='Al', hvl=False, frac=False, **kwargs) Parameters ********** matl : str Material used to filter spectrum (default: Al) hvl_matl : str If a valid string is specified, that material will be used (default: Al) hvl : float If a value is specified, that will be taken as the target hvl frac : float If a value is specified, that will be taken as the target fraction of air kerma kwargs : Optional (can include any valid keyword argument for the set() method) Returns ******* : numpy.float Thickness of filter material that provides the target attenuation characteristics Purpose ******* To find the amount of filtration needed to obtain a specified half-value-layer or fraction of air kerma for the reference conditions (or those specified by kwargs). Note that one of "hvl" or "frac" must be assigned, but not both. "hvl_matl" should only be specified in conjunction with "hvl".
#!Python s = s.Spek() t = s.get_matl(matl='Sn',hvl_matl='Cu',hvl=1.0) # Thickness of tin that gives a 1st HVL of 1 mmCu
#!Python s = s.Spek() t = s.get_matl(matl='Sn',frac=0.1) # Thickness of tin that reduces air kerma to 10%
get_emean(**kwargs) Parameters ********** kwargs : Optional (can include any valid keyword argument for the set() method) Returns ******* : numpy.float Mean energy of photons in the spectrum in keV Purpose ******* To obtain the mean energy of x-ray photon in the spectrum.
#!Python s = sp.Spek() km = s.get_emean()
get_eeff(matl='Al',**kwargs) Parameters ********** matl : str Material used to define effective energy (default: Al) kwargs : Optional (can include any valid keyword argument for the set() method) Returns ******* : numpy.float Effective energy in keV Purpose ******* To obtain the effective energy for a specified material under for the reference conditions (or those specified by kwargs). The effective energy is defined as the energy at which a monoenergetic spectrum would have the same half-value-layer as the polyenergetic spectrum (for the specified material).
#!Python s = sp.Spek() ke = s.get_eeff()
get_flu(**kwargs) Parameters ********** kwargs : Optional (can include any valid keyword argument for the set() method) Returns ******* : numpy.float The fluence integrated over the spectrum (# per cm2) Purpose ******* To obtain the total fluence integrated over the spectrum (summed over energy bins).
#!Python s = sp.Spek() fl = s.get_flu()
get_eflu(**kwargs) Parameters ********** kwargs : Optional (can include any valid keyword argument for the set() method) Returns ******* : numpy.float The energy-fluence integrated over the spectrum (keV per cm2) Purpose ******* To obtain the total energy fluence integrated over the spectrum (summed over energy bins).
#!Python s = sp.Spek() efl = s.get_eflu()
get_norm_flu(kerma=1, **kwargs) Parameters ********** kerma : float The kerma to normalize the fluence to (in uGy) kwargs : Optional (can include any valid keyword argument for the set() method) Returns ******* : numpy.float The fluence integrated over the spectrum (# per cm2) normalized to specified kerma Purpose ******* To obtain the total fluence integrated over the spectrum (summed over energy bins) that would correspond to a specified air kerma value.
#!Python s = sp.Spek() fl = s.get_norm_flu(kerma=100)
get_std_results(**kwargs) Parameters ********** kwargs : Optional (can include any valid keyword argument for the set() method) Returns ******* : StandardResults class An instance of the StandardResults class. Attributes include: k, spk, flu, kerma, emean, hvl_1_al, hvl_2_al, hc_al, eeff_al, hvl_1_cu, hvl_2_cu, hc_cu, eeff_cu Purpose ******* Convenient return off all common metrics of interest in one function call. Attributes can be extracted using dot indexing or the in-built getattr() Python method.
#!Python s=sp.Spek() res=s.get_std_results()
load_from_file(spectrum_name, spectrum_delimeter, z=100.0, mas=1.0, mu_data_source='nist') Parameters ********** spectrum_name : str The pathname for a spectrum file spectrum_delimeter : str The delimeter used to separate values in the spectrum file (e.g. ';') z : float The focus-to-detector distance along central axis (default: 100 cm) mas : float The exposure for the measurement (default: 1 mAs) mu_data_source : str The source of linear absorption/attenuation coefficients (default: 'nist', otherwise: 'pene') Returns ******* : Spek class An new instance of the Spek class based on the external spectrum file Purpose ******* Imports an external spectrum that can then be manipulated by and use all the SpekPy tools. The external spectrum is assumed defined on-axis. If metrics are subsequently calculated off-axis, they do not include varying anode self-filtration. The external spectrum should consist of two or three columns of data, separated by delimiters: mid-bin energy in keV, brem+char fluence per keV, char fluence per keV. The last column is optional.
#!Python e = sp.Spek.load_from_file('my_spectrum', ';')
load_state(state_name) Parameters ********** state_name : str The name of a saved state Returns ******* : Spek class An new instance of the Spek class for the saved state Purpose ******* Load a saved state previously generated by SpekPy. This avoids the need to redefine parameters and filtering for a spectrum that will be used in separate sessions.
#!Python s=sp.Spek.load_state('my_state')
make_matl(matl_name=None, matl_density=None, wt_matl_comp=None, chemical_formula=None, matl_comment=None) Parameters ********** matl_name : str The name for the new material matl_density : float The density for the new material (g/cm3) wt_matl_comp : list of tuples The composition of the material by weight: each tuple is an atomic number and relative weight by mass chemical_formula : str The chemical formula for the material (if wt_matl_comp not specified) matl_comment : str Optional explanatory comment Returns ******* None (but creates a new material) Purpose ******* Allows the user to generate their own materials to act as filters/attenuators.
#!Python name = 'Water 1' comment = 'Defined by relative weights' composition = [(1, 0.1119), (8, 0.8881)] sp.Spek.make_matl(matl_name=name, matl_density=1.0, wt_matl_comp=composition, matl_comment=comment)
#!Python name = 'Water 2' comment = 'Defined by chemical formula' composition='H2O' sp.Spek.make_matl(matl_name=name, matl_density=1.0, chemical_formula=composition,matl_comment=comment)
multi_filter(filter_list) Parameters ********** filter_list : list of tuples A set of filters to apply: each tuples consists of a filter name (str) and thickness (float) Returns ******* None (but changes the Spek instance) Purpose ******* Allows multiple filters to be applied in one command call.
#!Python my_filters=[('Al',4.0),('Cu',0.2),('Air',1000)] s=sp.Spek() s.multi_filter(my_filters)
save_state(file_name=None, comment=None) Parameters ********** file_name : str Name of state (if not supplied, a generic name with timestamp will be assigned) comment : str Optional explanatory note Returns ******* None (but saves a new state in SpekPy's state_usr directory) Purpose ******* Allows the user to save a state they will need in another session. Note: you cannot specify a different directory to save the file in (always to state_usr).
#!Python s=sp.Spek() state_name='My spectrum state' s.save_state(state_name)
set(**kwargs) Parameters ********** kwargs : can include kvp, th, dk, mu_data_source, physics, x, y, z, mas, brem, char, obli, ref_kerma, ref_flu, shift Returns ******* None (but changes the Spek instance) Purpose ******* Changes the SpekPy state, data or reference point. See [here]( for further information on these keyword arguments. Note: calling set() without specifying ref_kerma or ref_flu will reset fluence normalization to default.
#!Python s=sp.Spek() s.set(kvp=200,brem=True,char=False,z=3500)
summarize(mode='minimal') Parameters ********** mode : str Mode for output (default: 'minimal', otherwise: 'full') Returns ******* Prints information to screen Purpose ******* Prints information to screen. If mode = 'minimal', this information includes the spectrum inputs defining the state. If mode = 'full', then the information includes outputs: Fluence; Air kerma; Mean energy; 1st HVL, Al; 2nd HVL, Al; HC, Al; Eff. energy, Al; 1st HVL, Cu; 2nd HVL, Cu; HC, Cu; Eff. energy, Cu;
#!Python s=sp.Spek() s.summarize(mode='full')
remove_matl(matl_name) Parameters ********** matl_name : str Name of a user-defined material to be removed Returns ******* None (but deletes the specified materials file from SpekPy's matl_usr directory) Purpose ******* Used to remove a user-created material when it is no longer required.
#!Python sp.Spek.remove_matl('my_unwanted_material')
remove_state(state_name) Parameters ********** state_name : str Name of a user-defined state to be removed Returns ******* None (but deletes the specified state from SpekPy's state_usr directory) Purpose ******* Used to remove a user-created state when it is no longer required.
#!Python sp.Spek.remove_state('my_unwanted_state')
show_matls(matl_name=None, matl_group=None, matl_dir=None) Parameters ********** matl_name : str Name of materials to show properties for matl_group : str Name of group to show materials for ('ICRU' or 'ICRP') matl_dir :str Name of directory to show materials for ('usr' or 'def') Returns ******* Prints information to screen Purpose ******* Provides information on materials. Only one of matl_name, matl_group and matl_dir can be specified. matl_name: prints detailed information on the specified material; matl_group: lists the materials in a group (ICRU or ICRP); matl:dir: lists all the materials in a directory (matl_usr or matl_def); None specified: lists all the materials (matl_usr and matl_def).
#!Python sp.Spek.show_matl() sp.Spek.show_matls(matl_dir="def") sp.Spek.show_matls(matl_group='ICRU') sp.Spek.show_matls(matl_name='Air')
show_states(state_dir=None) Parameters ********** state_dir : str Name of directory to show states for ('usr' or 'def') Returns ******* Prints information to screen Purpose ******* Provides information on saved states (user and/or default). If state_dir is specified ('usr' or 'def') then states will only be listed for that directory.
#!Python sp.Spek.show_states() sp.Spek.show_states(state_dir="usr")