Vehicle Year Make Model Engine Filter - Left Column Layout

Issue #2 new
ThinkFollowing created an issue


I am using Opencart v2.0.3.1 with default theme. When I add the module into left hand column then it doesn't appear in appropriate layout. But when I add into on the top of the page then it looks fine.

Sample on homepage/category page left column: homepage-left-column.jpg

Sample on the category page top: category-page-top.jpg

I would appreciate your input.

Thanks, TF

Comments (5)

  1. ThinkFollowing reporter

    Thanks for the reply. I have two modules one for homepage (sidebar) and another for category page (top content).

    When I set position = sidebar and click on save then it always goes back to content and doesn't save the position = sidebard.

    Any advise?


  2. ThinkFollowing reporter

    Some screenshots for more info: (basically it shows on the modules but it doesn't save position as sidebar)

    ymm1.jpg ymm2.jpg ymm3.jpg

  3. Mike McLean repo owner

    Ok I finally got time to look and yes that is a bug, but it does save sidebar it just doesn't recognize and display it properly. Not sure why you are having the problem you are. It works perfectly well for me. If your site is on the internet you can send a link to mike at and I can take a look.

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