Vehicle Year Make Model Engine Filter - Sorting products in a specific category

Issue #3 new
Artem Golovan created an issue

Hello. I am planning to purchase this module. But I want to clarify something - whether this module can sort only the products in a specific category. Or sorting will occurs only on all goods in general?

Comments (9)

  1. Mike McLean repo owner

    It filters the entire site not just one category, though you can simulate filtering one category if you make the products in all the other categories universal.

  2. Artem Golovan reporter

    For example I have 4 categories of goods - wipers, mirrors, mats, mud flaps. And I want to display your module in each category separately. And using your module, client specifies the parameters of his car and if he does it in the category of wipers, he will see only wipers products shown for him. And if he does it in category of mirrors, he will see in search results only mirrors products. Sorry for my bad English... I think you understand me.

    Or there is another way. Okay, your module will sort all products, from whole categories of my site. But will it be possible to use an additional basic or specific OpenCart filter of products in left column for example. Where I will show the available product categories to filter products in the shown results. Your filter is compatible with a standard or advanced AJAX filter of products?

  3. Mike McLean repo owner

    Unfortunately the module does not offer category level filtering like you are talking about.

  4. Artem Golovan reporter

    It's bad... Can you upgrade your module for this function that i asking for? For extra price of cource.

  5. Artem Golovan reporter

    Can upgrade your module with adding an additional filter like "Category" to this module, on the same principle as the option of choosing car model? To let me to add custom categories in the module settings. This additional filter not necessarily that it will depended on basic added categories in opencart. Just to add this attributes in module settings. To let me connect every product with the added categories on module settings. In this way I am ready to add some money to price of this module. Or have any other idea? I think it will be nice upgrade, not only for me.

  6. Mike McLean repo owner

    No unfortunately adding additional filters to the module is quite a lot of work, and I am just very busy right now. I haven't even had the time to update the module to work with oc 2.2 yet.

  7. Mike McLean repo owner

    Sorry that is not something I can walk you through. The module is not designed for that, so it would be some fairly intense coding.

  8. Tumbando Aguja

    Hi Mike, I'm willing to buy the plugin if it would be able to filter by category and I really simplifies the work and would be willing to pay more for it and you can sell even apart if you want one Make model and another Make model plus category ..

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