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lmf / Google-Refine-Developers-Documentation

Documentation for developers of the Google Refine LMF Extension

[[Google Refine Extension|Google Refine LMF extension]] documentation for developers

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Source code

Get a local copy of the LMF Refine Mercurial repository with this command:

hg clone grefine-lmf-extension

Environment setup

Get all the relevant code (Google Refine itself, RDF extension and LMF extension) to any directory of your choice.

Google Refine

Get the source code:

svn checkout google-refine

Or, if you'd preferred, we have a forked version with Maven support:

hg clone

RDF extension

And then the RDF extension source code:

git clone grefine-rdf-extension

LMF extension

And finally the LMF extension:

hg clone grefine-lmf-extension

Extensions installation

Put the extensions of their corresponding folder in Refine:

cd google-refine/extensions
ln -s ../../grefine-rdf-extension rdf-extension
ln -s ../../grefine-lmf-extension lmf
cd ..

On this tutorial we linked the directories, but many ways are valid to proceed with this step (copy the directory and so on), as your convenience.

Then you may need to patch the main tool (extensions' building, custom look&feel, etc):

patch -p1 < extensions/lmf/stuff/grefine-lmf.patch


Now that we've already setup all the necessary things, we can try to build the tool. You can use two different build systems:


The one provided by default by Refine. For building you'd need to execute:


And them launch Google Refine:


If everything worked fine, the tool will be automatically launched in your browser, normally at


If you got our version of the code of Refine, then you can also use Maven for such tasks:

mvn jetty:run

This will run Refine at http://localhost:8080/ by default.

If you would need to run it under another port or context path, you can use something like:

mvn jetty:run -Djee.port=8081 -Djee.path=/refine

Where you should see both extensions (RDF and LMF) available at the extensions toolbar. Further usage details at the [[Google Refine Users Documentation|documentation for users]].

You can also package Refine as a JavaEE WAR file, and deploy it in any application server that you want:

mvn package
