'Repr_taxonomy' in db_infos/Host_Genomes.tsv

Issue #14 resolved
w22 created an issue

Dear Simon,
I found that the taxonomic classifications of host genomes are annotated in GTDB format.
Could you please offer the NCBI-format taxonomic annotations for these host genomes?
Thanks a lot!

Comments (5)

  1. Simon Roux repo owner


    To limit the complexity (and size) of the “Host_Genomes.tsv” file, we do not plan to include the NCBI annotation. However, you can use the GTDB website to link GTDB taxa to NCBI taxa (https://gtdb.ecogenomic.org).



  2. w22 reporter

    Or could you offer the nucleotide sequence of these genomes?
    I cannot get accessible to those host genomes whose IDs do not begin with ‘GCA’ and ‘GCF’. These genomes seem to come from IMG/M. However, they are reclustered, and I cannot retrieve them in IMG/M by their ID (for example, either ‘3300026280_17’ or ‘3300026280’ can only retrieve the sample they are present but not their MAGs).

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