How can I make the process faster ( more threads)

Issue #43 closed
CAIO RAPOSO created an issue

The program runs almost perfect my only problem is the slow time to get it done. A couple of days back I notice that iPHOP was running with only 1 thread, so How can I allocate more threads?

I already try to see the Help but it wasn’t helped me at all.

Comments (2)

  1. Simon Roux repo owner


    You should be able to use the parameter “-t”, e.g.

    $ iphop predict --fa_file test_input_phages.fna --db_dir iphop_db/Test_db_rw/ --out_dir iphop_test_results/test_input_phages_iphop -t 12

    for 12 threads.

    Did you try this already, and it did not speed things up ?

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