Conda install package conflicts

Issue #71 closed
psampara created an issue

Hi Simon, I am trying to install based on the Conda recipe. However, I am getting a package conflict error. The error text file is attached. Could you please help me with this issue?

Commands ran to arrive at the issue:

conda create -n iphop_env python=3.8 
conda activate iphop_env 
conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda iphop


Comments (3)

  1. Simon Roux repo owner

    Hi Pranav,

    That can happen with conda, and unfortunately is highly dependent on the tool you use to install your packages and your machine. My recommendations would be (i) switch to mamba, and (ii) install iphop at the creation of the environment, rather than after. So something like:

    mamba create -c conda-forge -c bioconda -n iphop_env iphop

    may solve this issue



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