add_db .DS_Store is empty

Issue #91 closed
Qi Qi created an issue

When I run the code “iphop add_to_db --fna_dir bin_fasta --gtdb_dir MAGs_GTDB-tk_results_summary --out_dir Feb_2024_pub_rw_w_Tib_hosts2 --db_dir Aug_2023_pub_rw --debug --num_threads 50”, it showed that “[6] Add new genomes to VHM database...
Loading custom packages...
Load existing database
Running Host Db building function
The query file .DS_Store is empty, please double check the file.“ I would like to know how to find the “DS_Store” file and how to fix this problem?

Comments (4)

  1. Simon Roux repo owner


    This is surprising, there should not be a file “.DS_Store” in the database. I wonder if this is something specifically added by Mac OS, and confuses the script. Could you check if there is a hidden directory called “.DS_Store” in the folder where you have your MAGs (“bin_fasta”), and if so, try to remove it and run the script again ?

  2. Qi Qi reporter

    Yes, you are right. There exists one file “.DS_Store“. I rerun the command line after removing it and it works. Thank you !!!

  3. Simon Roux repo owner

    Great, thanks for the follow up ! I’ll close the issue once I add this information to the Readme, in case other users come across this bug.

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