Error in sensingAggregator.addJobs(percepts) for auctions

Issue #2 resolved
Sebastian Sardina created an issue

When an auction is received in the request-action:

    <auction auctionTime="4" end="149" fine="3130" id="job5" reward="3497" start="27" storage="storage5">
      <required amount="1" name="item10"/>
      <required amount="1" name="item11"/>
      <required amount="1" name="item9"/>

We get the following error in PerceptAggregator.addJobs(percepts : Collection<Percept>):

[SEVERE, 6:53:21am, AGENT-4cef2bcc-2d48-4442-bba6-5b7c9f4a0d84] Something bad has happened during perception for player agentA2: java.lang.ClassCastException: eis.iilang.Numeral cannot be cast to eis.iilang.ParameterList

Comments (2)

  1. Sebastian Sardina reporter

    This is an issue of the MW, it was moved there and solved sometime ago already. There was an issue with the order of data coming from XML messages and auctions and missions have more data

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