Nginx block 444

Issue #157 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hello Kevin,

I configure my Nginx web-server to block requests by some user-agents or specific requests and return 444 code. For example I return 444 when someone visits /wp-content/plugins/seoplugins which is a path hackers upload malware.

I would like to block the IPs when I return 444. I will use it with to avoid blocking googlebot and other search engines by mistake.

The access log is like this: - - [28/Dec/2022:20:45:56 +0200] "GET /LICENSE.txt HTTP/2.0" 444 0 "-" "curl/7.74.0" (0.000)

I read attack_scanner.l and it looks like it should already block 444 code and identify it as CLFWEBPROBES_BOTSEARCH_SUFF

Any idea why it doesn't work?

Comments (6)

  1. Christos Chatzaras

    I read the attack_scanner.l again and I believe that 444 code works only for HTTP_BOTSEARCH regex.

    Is it possible to add 444 to “work” for every request. 444 is a special error code used by Nginx only if you choose to return this code, so I don’t believe this change will affect other people.

  2. Kevin Zheng
    • changed status to open

    This seems reasonable. I've attached a patch for the suggested change, along with a test case. If you don't mind, check that this now matches the sorts of attacks that you would like to block (using sshg-parser -a).

    Do you think the default attack score of 10 is appropriate, or should we lower this since this isn't really as bad as an "attack" like logging in with guessed credentials?

  3. Christos Chatzaras

    Thank you Kevin.

    An attack score of 5 is fine as these bots try multiple URLs and it will not take long to block them.

    I will test the patch and let you know.

  4. Christos Chatzaras

    Finally better to keep it with score 10.

    The patch works fine. I already patch FreeBSD port and use it on all my servers.

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