Совместимость с Maya 2018 API

Issue #30 resolved
rpython created an issue

Плагин уже невозможно скомпилировать под Майю 2018: студия ругается на отсутствие nullptr.

Нужно обновить код проекта под новый апи, при этом не уходя с текущего стандарта языка: http://help.autodesk.com/view/MAYAUL/2018/ENU/?guid=__files_GUID_C122F8DA_431C_4094_BA54_60B80495A734_htm

Support for C++11 Keywords To support the VFX Reference Platform, the Maya 2018 API now supports C++11 features. >This includes C++11 new keywords in the header files such as nullptr, final, and override. >When compiling plug-ins against this API using previous versions of C++, you may get errors such as:

error: ?nullptr? was not declared in this scope

In most cases, the error appears due to the absence of nullptr in C++ 98.

If you do not update to C++11, you need to include the maya/MCppCompat.h before any >OpenMaya header file. Including this header file does not implement these C++11 keyword features, but redefines the keywords to something that is compatible with older compilers (for example nullptr is defined to NULL). This allows your plug-in to be compiled with older compilers even when C++11 keywords are present in header files.

Задача низкой важности, но по идее и низкой сложности.

СДК 2018-й майи или уже есть, или скоро будет в борщовском репо /devkit

Официальная ссылка: https://apps.autodesk.com/MAYA/en/Detail/Index?id=5525491636376351277&appLang=en&os=Linux (нужна регистрация)

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