Maya 2012 x64 can't import wpn_*_hud_animation.omf

Issue #8 wontfix
Former user created an issue

I get errors every time I try to import any of the above files : "// Error: Error reading file.". Output window :

log started (console and xrayMayaTools.log) can't open K' can't open -f. can't open Ò‰. can't open xg. can't open œg. can't open –v. can't open w—. can't open ?l.

Also fails if I convert to .object with converter.exe. The files wpn_hand_*_hud_animation.omf import fine, but none of the weapon animation files.

The command line to load the file in the last issue : file -import -type "X-Ray game skeletal motions" -ra true -namespace "wpn_abakan_hud_animation" -pr -loadReferenceDepth "none" "E:/Games/STALKER - Clear Sky/gamedata/meshes/dynamics/weapons/wpn_abakan/wpn_abakan_hud_animation.omf";

Comments (4)

  1. mkari37

    Ah, I apologize for not providing enough information. It seems the problem was due to the pathname length. Once I SUBST'd another drive, the files loaded normally. If you want to check this, English, Oct 1 2011, Maya 2012 x64, imported via File -> Import.

    Anyway, I've upgraded to the Sep 23 2013 version now, thanks for that.

    I'll include more information if I encounter another problem.

  2. Former user Account Deleted


    Oct 1 2011

    it's a very old version of the plugin. rather, the pathname length is not a cause of the error (at first I thought of the incorrect characters in the path). I think, with new version of the plugin you will not be able to repeat this bug, it's should be corrected.

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