concept duplication in co-occurence view

Issue #106 resolved
b created an issue
  1. Load demo map
  2. Click and view relations for Hyperphenylalaninaemia
  3. View implicit relations for Hyperphenylalaninaemia and select the 'Score' for ALAD to bring up the Co-Occurrences view
  4. Add the linking concept '5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin' to the map -> generates duplicate concept for 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin -> in saved graph, the unique id is (META:C0048897) missing for that node -> clicking on that node and selecting 'show relations' doesn't bring up anything.

Example graph file attached.

Comments (3)

  1. Richard Bruskiewich

    Even weirder: Biopterin and 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin overlap on the map when clicked in succession, with the first node clicked getting node label precedence. Note also that neither concept in the co-occurrence table, when clicked, have associated node descriptions.

    I wonder if this is a data curation issue with the B concepts and/or loading. Not again!

    I don't know if this is a relatively isolated defect or if there are other similar problems elsewhere. Please keep me posted in this regard. BTW, I think I need to somehow also add semantic node coloring to rendered co-occurrence nodes...

  2. Richard Bruskiewich

    Node semantic node coloring is now added for co-occurrence nodes. Now, back to debugging the biopterin issue. So far, I've not found other examples of missing CUI's in the cooccurrence table, so I'm not sure how pervasive the problem is. That is certainly the source of the duplication in the node.

  3. Richard Bruskiewich

    Narrowed down to an Implicitome data curation issue in which the given concept not cross-referenced to UMLS (as in SemMedDb). Fixed in the database but a general solution for other similar situations will require a data pipeline analysis.

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