Node coloring inconsistent

Issue #108 resolved
b created an issue

Some nodes that seem to have correct semantic type information are not given the corresponding color in the graph view.

Examples (all are colored grey): Parkinson disease (type Disease or Syndrome) Sepiapterin reductase (type Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein) ALAD (gene with entrez gene id) Porphyrias (type Disease or Syndrome) Dystonia, Primary (type Disease or Syndrome)

Comments (7)

  1. Richard Bruskiewich

    This mainly affected the initial node display from a 'concept by text' search. This issue is now largely resolved, with heuristics, for explicit concepts, and partially resolved for implicit concepts. To completely resolve the issue for implicit concepts will require some kind of cross-referencing of the explicit concepts.

  2. b reporter

    for current implicit concepts you could hack it because you know they are always gene-disease ??

  3. Richard Bruskiewich

    The Implicit concepts appear to be rendering in a sensible manner practically all of the time. I suspect this is because genes are in ENTREZ and disease concepts are all documented in OMIM, all of which is detected in the Implicit term annotation. For this reason, perhaps we can consider the issue resolved for now.

  4. b reporter

    I'm not seeing that. Working through a case used in the implicitome manuscript, the genes aren't getting colored correctly. Search for "Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome" Adding related genes, all are grey.

  5. b reporter
    • changed status to open

    Maybe this isn't pushed to production? but gene node coloring not working consistently for implicit relation view.

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