The PMID 'Evidence' annotation for selected concept nodes could (and should?) perhaps be annotated somewhere (in the concept map?)

Issue #13 resolved
Richard Bruskiewich created an issue
  1. Some concepts have literally thousands of associated PMID's. Do we really want to stuff them into the graph as annotation?
  2. In fact, the surrogate key to the list of PMID's is the SemMedDb predication ID, which can be used to retrieve all the PMID's once needed (in a 'paging" manner in a table...) We are actually already storing the predication id - indirectly - in the concept map the user is building. Thus, in principle, the resulting list of PMID's (or rather, sentence) evidence can be brought up with an additional database query, probably in a table.
  3. How will the PMID's ultimately be used? I suppose a report or archive of the user built concept map (once we decide how to do it) could dump out (somewhere?) the whole list of them for future reference. Of course, that won't make them more usable for consumption.
  4. The "Evidence" button - with sentence hit count - is still available in the Explicit concept table, but for the moment, clicking it brings up a fresh window or tab. Should we perhaps now bring this up as a new tab in the discovery desktop (probably, yes...).
  5. If we have such an 'Evidence' tab, perhaps selecting a node in the concept map graph in some way could also trigger update of the 'Evidence' tab to show the links.
  6. To date, we haven't provided a direct link out from a PMID to the outside world (i.e. PubMed entry). Might be helpful somewhere here...

Comments (3)

  1. b

    To clarify. When an edge is selected in the graph, update the 'evidence' view to show the related publications.

    Don't think we need to show 'evidence' for clicked concept node. Only relations.

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