Support color profile customization for graph

Issue #38 on hold
b created an issue

I like the default black background but we should at a minimum support an alternate view with a white background for the people who inevitably want to print a screenshot (or an export??) of the graph they are building. Hopefully cytoscape.js will make this easy.

Comments (6)

  1. Richard Bruskiewich

    A checkbox was added to the concept map tool bar that allows toggling between white and black background. The colors on the white background seem a bit washed out, so perhaps a second iteration on this feature can implement a stronger contrast of colors using a more sophisticated toggling of CSS.

  2. b reporter

    Concur with earlier comment. A quick CSS font color adjustment when out of black-background mode would really help the white background view.

  3. Richard Bruskiewich

    We need a better understanding of cytoscape.js management of node and edge styles, and a means of dynamically modifying the same, as user preferences.

  4. Richard Bruskiewich
    • changed status to open

    Fully re-opened to target cytoscape.js style changes of nodes (for white background)

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