Baseline User Documentation for GBK (including perhaps context-specific online help)

Issue #40 resolved
Richard Bruskiewich created an issue

We need some baseline user documentation for GBK.

This could include:

1) PDF manuals describing links and buttons 2) sample tutorial workflows (with screen captures) 3) perhaps: context specific help (question mark with tool tips?) 4) perhaps, onilne "Help" link (initially to PDFs?) 5) perhaps, some kind of youTube style tutorial video for GBK

Comments (5)

  1. b

    I think this is best handled once we have a stable version of the application running. At that point, we can narrate a screencast that demonstrates the features.

  2. Richard Bruskiewich reporter

    We've been working on a Google Docs version of the manual and have connected the Help button to it.

  3. Richard Bruskiewich reporter

    Basic user manual posted to Google Drive for further iterations, and directly linked into the "Help" button of the web site.

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