Consolidate GBK into a "one-stop" (Gmail-like single page) web site

Issue #44 resolved
Richard Bruskiewich created an issue

The current web site has a 'Home Page" with query box, which leads to a list of concepts table, which (finally) leads to the Discovery Desktop.

From a user navigational point of view, it would be better for users to directly land on the Discovery Desktop at the start, and do all user operations from there. To achieve this, a number of changes are needed:

1) Replace the "New Search..." button on the desktop with the home page search box and button.

2) The separate concept listings page probably could be a temporary popup window which displays the concept table, which is re-hidden once the user selects the concept of interest for loading into the desktop

3) Stronger GBK product branding of the Desktop page: a thin GBK title bar header (and footer?) to provide production branding

4) Perhaps consolidate all command tools - menus, buttons, global desktop query boxes - in to a "toolbar" under the title bar header, and above the main desktop (concept map and data tables). The 'About', 'Contact Us', 'Help', etc. links could be made into a toplevel menu(?).

5) Complex user inputs - e.g. user preferences and semantic search filters - could be managed by temporary popup windows, which are automatically hidden once the user's selected options are applied.

6) The existing home page with its nice graphics could be re-purposed as the 'About' page, with supporting text. (see Balsamiq mockup)

Comments (7)

  1. b

    I think we can close this. One stop shop is implemented. Not closing because I see you added it to the TNG Java Web App component - not sure if you are keeping it around for later ???

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