handling what to do when a user launches into a fresh concept search while another graph is loaded

Issue #45 on hold
Richard Bruskiewich created an issue

(from one of Ben's communications...)

Do we

(1) add the new results as most-likely unconnected elements of the same graph or

(2) clear out the current graph (should force a 'save?' option) and start afresh.

If both are options, then we can let the user decide.

When they click on 'new search' we can ask them whether to 'extend current graph', 'save current graph and clear', or 'start new graph'.

Comments (6)

  1. b

    When a user performs an action that would result in the loss of their current graph (a new concept search, "new map", etc.), we should at minimum provide them with a warning and option to save their state.

  2. Richard Bruskiewich reporter

    We've implemented a dialog box which appears when the user presses "New Map" which gives three options: "Save Map", "Continue Reload" and "Cancel", triggering the appropriate behavior once the user chooses.

    However, we have NOT implemented this dialog for the situation where the user enters a new search term, which results in adding a new node to the concept map. In fact, since the action of the search is non-destructive to the current graph (unlike New Map), we expect that the user can simply decide what to do in such a situation (i.e. they can delete the new node if they don't want it...the main danger being that the node will appear in an obscure corner of the existing graph hence be unnoticed...)

  3. Richard Bruskiewich reporter

    We'll put this issue on hold for now pending any further need to respond to "New concept search" actions in a similar fashion.

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