Show the title and abstract text for the view by pmid

Issue #5 resolved
b created an issue

example at

add (via calls to e-utils, possibly via this wrapper service )

Influenza virus entry and infection require host cell N-linked glycoprotein.

A widely held view of influenza virus infection is that the viral receptor consists of cell surface carbohydrate sialic acid, which can be present as glycoprotein or....

  • Also add a link to the source document on PubMed.

Comments (10)

  1. b reporter

    Thats a shame, this was a nice service when I last looked into it. NCBI is also canceling their SOAP implementation for E-utils. We get to write our own XML parsers for that now instead of letting Axis do it for us.. Seems like a step backwards, but so does Python and everyone seems to love that...

  2. Richard Bruskiewich

    I've just posted an alternate implementation of this user story. See the EC2 micro server.

    There is now a "PubMed Entry" tab on the screen. This gets loaded when users click one of the 'Evidence' citation hits. The tab has two parts:

    1) The Abstract pane: which loads the full pubmed page (in an <iframe>) 2) The Relations pane loads the table of other semmeddb relations that were extracted from the title and abstract.

    Sorry that the navigation to the views is not yet automated (unresolved technical glitch..)

  3. Richard Bruskiewich

    Hmm... I think I just figured out the navigation bug... barely a minute after I mentioned it to you! Let me investigate...

  4. b reporter

    I think a direct retrieve of the abstract would be better because it would make formatting better. the iframe view gets kind of hard to see on my laptop. Possible just popping up a new window with the abstract based on a click on the sentence fragment would work? but this is definitely functional as is. Could close it for the moment and revisit it when other tasks are done.

  5. Richard Bruskiewich

    On the parsing issue, I guess it depends what you wish to do for the user.

    This relates, I think, to how we frame the competitive advantage of the application, and where we draw the boundaries.

    In this case, a simple iframe back to PubMed might suffice, unless we need to micro-dissect the content of pubmed for some novel purpose in our system, in which case, XML parsing might be the way to go.

    Anyhow, take a look of my initial take on the implementation of this issue, and let me know what you think.

  6. b reporter

    Works well on the large monitor. Need to think about the layout for smaller screens, but this impacts the entire view. Closing this one..

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