Explicit relations UI

Issue #50 on hold
b created an issue
  1. Visually colocate the semantic and text filters in the interface.
  2. Currently, text filter overrides the semantic filter and introduces a visual conflict: two options (a) Update the selected semantic type to be “No filtering” or (b) Run the text filter in combination with the semantic filter. (an AND query). e.g. would allow the user to see all related genes and then filter those down to those that with a 'stimulates' relation

Comments (2)

  1. Richard Bruskiewich

    Item 1) Semantic type and text filters have been co-localized awhile back. Item 2) Not sure what the issue is here. Both text filter and semantic filter are co-dominant, that the search is constrained by both concurrently. Changing one or the other changes the list accordingly, but the resultant still exhibits the other constraint not being changed. This seems to be the desirable behaviour (as long as the users know that this is what is happening...)

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