Concept popup UI

Issue #53 resolved
b created an issue

Basically just improve the formatting here.

  1. Add semantic type, under name
  2. Format the definitions list. e.g. an html list.
  3. make the embedded links into actual hyperlinks
  4. Rename “query” to “UMLS concept identifier”

Comments (13)

  1. b reporter

    For genes where we can get data from based on entrez id, e.g. the concept popup should contain the fields: "name" "summary" "symbol" "taxid" "type_of_gene": and we should provide lists of pathways and GO terms also provided there.

  2. Richard Bruskiewich

    UMLS definitions restored some time ago, but core issues noted above are not yet implemented.

  3. b reporter

    Just to enhance clarity here. We would like to improve the content and the appearance of this, currently yellow, box Screen Shot 2015-07-17 at 10.32.56 AM.png

    (Note that the "type" parameter which shows up at 'meta' is probably not useful to the user as it is referring only to what database the concept came from - in this case the metathesaurus. Would prefer to see 'semantic type' as used in the rest of the interface.)

  4. b reporter

    We should add the synonym list to this. It gets pretty confusing when you do a search for "Miller Syndrome" and it comes back (correctly) with "genee-wiedeman syndrome". It gets more confusing with genes of course.

  5. Kenneth Bruskiewicz

    How about now?

    Screenshot 2015-08-16 14.01.23.png

    Just looking for feedback on the look. I prefer "whitespace" separation over solid borders, but if there are any adjustments you would like please let me know.

    I'll get working on the synonym list right away as well as a couple more adjustments to the table.

  6. b reporter

    The version deployed right now is an improvement. Minor details: remove the "quotes" around everything. Convert the semantic type abbreviations to the full versions - as used in the 'advanced categorical filtering' menu. Take the ["..", "..."] structure out of the paragraph definition - make it just look like text for a human. For example, now we see:

    CUI "C0428977" Name "Bradycardia" Semtype "fndg" Definition ["NCI","An abnormally slow heart rate. Thresholds for different age, gender, and patient populations exist."]

    make it look like: Name(s) Bradycardia Definition An abnormally slow heart rate. Thresholds for different age, gender, and patient populations exist. (Source: NCI) Semantic Type(s) Finding Unique ID(s) C0428977

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