Due diligence security audit of Knowledge.Bio

Issue #55 resolved
Richard Bruskiewich created an issue

Sanity check: the Knowledge.Bio application probably needs a final due diligence security audit review. The list of issues that come to mind (not exhaustive):

1) settings.py configuration should be reviewed for proper production deployment (e.g. make sure that "DEBUG" is turned off...)

2) "administrative" URL's should be hidden from the general public: e.g. ABC and UMLS loader; SemMedDb data auditor. Perhaps introducing some kind of rudimentary admin user login account mechanism(?)

Comments (3)

  1. Richard Bruskiewich reporter

    Maybe I could hide the admin links behind https: port 443 and a Security Certificate(?)

  2. b

    @rbruskiewich Going to leave this up to you to close as its not easy for me to test. Please close when you are ready.

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