Sort predications table by evidence (pmids) count.

Issue #6 new
Andrew Su created an issue

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Comments (9)

  1. Richard Bruskiewich

    The first part of this issue - displaying the number of sentences supporting a predication - was implemented some time back. I only just now took a closer look at the second part - in parenthesis - that this column be a sortable column, and have realized that the way that the server-side paging of results from explicit predication lookup is performed, I actually defer the computation of numbers of evidence sentences until after I filter by pages, since each 'evidence' requires a fresh query on the database to compute the number.

    I'm going to try to modify the paging code to accommodate sorting of evidence by count, but I strongly suspect that this will be an enormous performance penalty, especially, for large datasets.

  2. b

    This is important but we could go forward without it for the implicitome timed-release. I think it relates to general all-database update cycle that we will want to move towards.

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