Issue #99 resolved
Richard Bruskiewich created an issue
  1. "New Map" dialog is gone - need it back
  2. "Explicit" concept details do not render (but Implicit / Cooccurrence still do...)
  3. Clicking on Evidence citation doesn't automatically bring up PubMed abstract tab anymore

Comments (5)

  1. b

    Issues above seem to be resolved. 2 more to go.

    (1) enable clicking on a concept in the graph to kick off another search for relations. Ideally mirror what happens when you click on a concept in the table - show the details popup and ask the user whether to 'show relations' or not.

    (2) Allow the user to name their map when they save it. Having the original concept search as a default there is probably a good idea, but this confused me and I would definitely prefer to have control of that. I might want to make multiple maps with the same starting point for different reasons.

  2. Kenneth Bruskiewicz

    RE: (2), We could turn that into a prompt with an input field and a default name. Putting this idea here for reference.

  3. b

    Looking better on (2). Would it be possible to keep a hold of the name of the user's map through a session (in a lightweight manner). For example, when I load an existing map, edit it, and then save it again I would prefer that the name of the loaded map be offered as my candidate name to save the edited version of it.

  4. Richard Bruskiewich reporter

    Almost have item (1) working except that the QTip destruction seems problematic. Kenneth, I'm final resolution of this to delegating this to you, as discussed. The current code is in the CLICKABLE_MAP_NODES branch, problem centered on the cytoscape_map.js file lines 365 & 369 (of commit # f4a8158)

    Once we get clicking for nodes working, we should probably propagate the click pattern to edges -> Evidence, for UI consistency.

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