Rplinkseq not resolving namespace in R 3.0.1

Issue #4 new
Daniel Weeks created an issue

When trying to install Rplinkseq in R 3.0.1 on a Mac OS X 10.8.5, I encountered the following error:

> pseq.summary()
Error in .Call("Rsummary") : 
  "Rsummary" not resolved from current namespace (Rplinkseq)

The solution seems to be to add PACKAGE="Rplinkseq" to each of the .Call's in the pseq.R file.

For example, redefine pseq.project() as:

pseq.project <- function(s)
 .plinkseq_attached <<- .Call("Rset_project",s,PACKAGE="Rplinkseq")
 #cat(" status " , .plinkseq_attached , "\n" )

After doing this, I no longer encounter the

... not resolved from current namespace (Rplinkseq)

error when using Rplinkseq in R 3.0.1 on a Mac OS X 10.8.5 machine.

I found this online addressing this problem:

 o   A foreign function call (.C() etc) in a package without a PACKAGE 
    argument will only look in the first DLL specified in the NAMESPACE 
    file of the package rather than searching all loaded DLLs.  A few 
    packages needed PACKAGE arguments added.

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