Steeve's vote

Issue #13 resolved
Jacobo Cordova created an issue

Well the experience of surfing trough steve is cool, but is not enough, I want a little more. I want really that steve carry me through good content. I want a EXPLORE tab, which allow me to see what steve is capable to find for me. Implemented as a standalone issue.

And Steeve vote is another suggestions... is like to give another clue about my desires.. Due the cost of the resources (RC) i am not feeling comfortable giving a "like" to every content that I like, because every vote cost, however if Steeve can acept my advice about what is nice or not to me he can know more accurately what am looking for

Comments (12)

  1. Peter Hroššo

    Steeve vote - we are already working on a feature like that. You will be able to star a post, which means you like it and also you will be able to find all posts you've ever given a star to, such that you can go back to them later.

    Regarding the explore tab - what exactly would you expect from it? I think it's a good idea, just want to know more details about how it should work. Currently we mix your normal feed with our recommendations which are marked with this little red corner. This lets you explore what Steeve found for you.

  2. Jacobo Cordova reporter

    Sure, I see the recomendations in a rate aprox. of 1:1 it means 1 post of my feed and 1 post of steeve recomendation.

    what I want? I want a tab in which I can see steeve recomendations, I mean only steeve recomendations. A browse tab. and then, to make it more interesting trough topics.

    For example if right now I will go to steemit, to see the SPANISH topic I only will have the chance to choice between trending, promoted, hot and new. Well I want a tab like steeve recomendation, in which I will could see the selection made by steeve about this topic.

    To make it simple in first instance i just want to see more recomedations, because when i refresh my feed, if my feed does not have new post i dont have new steeve recomendations, therefore the recomendations of steeve are attach to the posts given by my feed.

    To make it simple, in first instance i just want to see more recomedations, because when i refresh my feed, if my feed does not have new post i dont have new steeve recomendations, therefore the recomendations of steeve are depended to the posts given by my feed. And in some cases there are not too accurate, therefore i want to see more, in order to tell to steeve when it is right or when it is wrong.

    something like training to steeve

  3. Alena Moravová

    The possibility to star a post has been added. You can find your "starred" posts when clicking on your icon. We're constantly working on improving the provided recommendations, but the EXPLORE tab is not on the list right now. We plan on adding something similar to your idea, but at the moment it's not our priority, we'll raise the priority of your proposal, when this will change ;)

    Thanks for the proposal, anyway :)

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