It occasionally takes ages to load the app

Issue #195 new
Ondřej Kupka created an issue

main.js sometimes takes even 30 seconds to load.

Comments (2)

  1. Ondřej Kupka reporter

    One reason could be the app size:

    $ du -h *
     64K    3rdpartylicenses.txt
     96K    assets/img
    208K    assets/icons
    304K    assets
    8.0K    favicon.ico
    4.0K    index.html
    3.2M    main.4b4427ea4b35ad67dede.js
    4.0K    manifest.json
    136K    ngsw-worker.js
    4.0K    ngsw.json
     60K    polyfills.3a0f42381d0daac2fb07.js
    4.0K    runtime.ec2944dd8b20ec099bf3.js
    4.0K    safety-worker.js
     40K    scripts.41131087f930617791e2.js
    176K    styles.0450ae154e1aab28a5ee.css
    4.0K    worker-basic.min.js

    So it can take a long time in case a new version is being downloaded.

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