Image formatting in feed

Issue #58 resolved
Alena Moravová created an issue

Sometimes in the feed I see links of images if I open the story, the link vanishes:






Comments (10)

  1. Alena Moravová reporter

    The issue is probably caused by the fact, that the text in previews is not rendered...

  2. Ondřej Kupka

    The question is, what should be happening actually?

    Generating a summary correctly at all times requires fetching the whole story body, which is not happening right now, but I guess there is no other choice...

    The most correct approach without getting the whole story body is just skipping the summary altogether in case there are only links on the beginning, which is not too cool for authors...

  3. Ondřej Kupka

    To be precise, the API is truncating story body it receives from the backend, but this does not have to happen. I just wanted to save some bandwidth.

  4. Alena Moravová reporter

    Couldn't we parse the syntax for images and just filter it out? I know that it is not the correct way, but I believe that it suffices for the previews.

  5. Ondřej Kupka

    @moraval Yeah, but some stories contain 10 images and then some text, which means there won't be any summary in the end. No problem if it suffices...

  6. Alena Moravová reporter

    If so, then I believe it's an issue of the author. A summary containing only links of images is probably not better ;).

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