problem in running executables with Boost TestTask (add-ons)

Issue #14 resolved
Ankit created an issue

I am not able to run the executables files using Boost Test:task in Bamboo, the executable is fine because if I run the same using script task, it is running fine. In the Boost Test:Task , it is able to find the executable but it failed in the next line(as in the log file).

Regards Ankit

Enclosure: 1. log file of errors 2. screenshot of the same

(How to delete the previous issue which was submitted as Anonymous by mistake).

Comments (15)

  1. Sergey Podobry

    According to the logs the test returned non-zero exit code. Do you use a custom main function?

  2. Ankit reporter

    There are two Cases:-

    When I generate the executable file and run it by Boost TestTask in a single build (all task in a single default job) it is working, but if I used the previously generated executable file to run it by BoostTask(default Job contains only BoostTask and some scripts not for generating the executable) then then it isn't working because of same error. Screenshot from 2018-05-17 17-30-11.pngScreenshot from 2018-05-17 17-29-49.pngScreenshot from 2018-05-17 17-38-45.png

  3. Ankit reporter

    It's working now, There was some problem in source code checkout that whenever we disable the checkout task, it deletes the files which are sync using checkout, and so this error keeps happening.

    Thanks Ankit

  4. Ankit reporter

    Here Binary uses some configuration files for running, and the previous issue came whenever the configuration files are not available.

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