Can't pass in bamboo variables into Boost Plugin

Issue #2 invalid
Sean Devey created an issue

Hello, I've got the boost plugin working well, however I'm unable to pass in Bamboo variables when setting environment variables.

For example I try this: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${bamboo_working_directory}/ReleaseTestMock:/opt/vendor/Boost_1_56_0/bin/Linux/64/lib/

Which fails, but then I remove the variable and pass in the the full path it works fine.

I thought the plugin allowed to use bamboo variables? I've tried with speech marks as well. I've attached the full log.



Comments (6)

  1. Sean Devey reporter

    Hi Sergey,

    Thanks, yes that fixed it, apologies just realized my stupid mistake. Have got used to declaring variables with underscores.

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