Use more secure API to store passwords

Issue #26 resolved
Sergey Podobry created an issue

Bamboo 6 provides a more secure API (SecretEncryptionService instead of EncryptionService) to store sensitive data. Use that for Bamboo 6 and stick to the old API on Bamboo 5. Unfortunately it will require to create a new branch of PowerShell Task as API are not backward compatible. So from now 3 branches will exist:

  • 1.2.x - Bamboo 6.x
  • 1.1.x - Bamboo 5.x
  • 1.0.x - Bamboo 4.x

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Comments (2)

  1. Sergey Podobry reporter

    To check which encryption is used you can export build plan to specs and take a look at the psPassword parameter.

    The old API:

    .tasks(new AnyTask(new AtlassianModule("com.stellarity.bamboo.powershell-task:powerShellTask"))
            .configuration(new MapBuilder()
                    .put("psLocation", "BODY")
                    .put("psRunAsUser", "true")
                    .put("psBody", "ls\nwhoami")
                    .put("psLoadProfile", "DEFAULT")
                    .put("psBitness", "ANY")
                    .put("psArguments", "")
                    .put("psEnvironment", "")
                    .put("psUsername", "user1")
                    .put("psFile", "")
                    .put("psPassword", "QNnVAj+CBbk=")
                    .put("psSubdirectory", "")

    and the new more secure API:

    .tasks(new AnyTask(new AtlassianModule("com.stellarity.bamboo.powershell-task:powerShellTask"))
            .configuration(new MapBuilder()
                    .put("psLocation", "BODY")
                    .put("psRunAsUser", "true")
                    .put("psBody", "ls\nwhoami")
                    .put("psLoadProfile", "DEFAULT")
                    .put("psBitness", "ANY")
                    .put("psArguments", "")
                    .put("psEnvironment", "")
                    .put("psUsername", "user1")
                    .put("psFile", "")
                    .put("psPassword", "BAMSCRT@0@0@CUuB56gTgb5twp2ICg8SQA==")
                    .put("psSubdirectory", "")

    BAMSCRT prefix tells that it’s a new API.

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