RunAs engine is not reading user environment variables

Issue #31 resolved
Former user created an issue

I am running a powershell script using powershell task (inline) under a specific windows user.When powershell session starts , it does not load user env variables e.g. TMP and use system TMP env variable so to fix this I have to use - [environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("TMP", 'C:\Users\XYZ_USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp', 'Process')

Will you be able to provide more details about what is going on? It was not happening before but it started recently , we have not made any changes to bamboo installation. We only moved to postgres server from sql server.

Comments (6)

  1. Sergey Podobry

    In the latest version (1.2.3) we reworked RunAs engine. You can revert to the previous version (1.2.2) while we investigate the issue. We’re sorry for the inconvenience.

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