Bamboo yaml spec "psPassword:"

Issue #33 resolved
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I am exploring bamboo's (7.2.1) yaml spec feature (version 2).How can I set the password field "psPassword:" in powerShellTask's yaml spec (running as a specific user)? that is ,set it to encrypted text and not clear text so that after next bamboo scan my target plan will use the current password or new password.

Comments (3)

  1. Sergey Podobry

    To encrypt the password perform the following steps:

    1. From the top navigation bar, select Specs > Sensitive data encryption.
    2. Paste the content you want to encrypt in the text box.
    3. Click Encrypt.
    4. Use the encrypted data in yaml specs.

    Also we released a new version (1.2.6) of the addon with better YAML specs handling. Your specs should look like:

      - any-task:
          plugin-key: com.stellarity.bamboo.powershell-task:powerShellTask
            psLocation: BODY
            psRunAsUser: 'true'
            psBody: ls env:
            psLoadProfile: DEFAULT
            psBitness: ANY
            psUsername: admin
            psPassword: BAMSCRT@0@0@lRlbX0KFlOOzpyshroSQ9g==

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