Access denied errors to TFS causing extremely slow Bamboo startup

Issue #70 resolved
Brian Andersen created an issue

There are several TFS repositories configured on our server that happen to have "bad" username and passwords configured for them. When Bamboo is restarted it attempts to scan these TFS repositories and cannot putting errors such as this into catalina.out:

2017-06-20 19:23:03,470 ERROR [18-ImmutablePlanCacheServiceImpl.initialiseCache:pool-34-thread-4] [TfsRepository] Access denied connecting to TFS server http://{{obfuscation}}:8080/ (authenticating as {{obfuscation}})

After a certain number of these failures, Tomcat just stops trying to start for 30 minutes while it's waiting for "something" to time out from TFS.

2017-06-20 19:52:34,384 WARN [18-ImmutablePlanCacheServiceImpl.initialiseCache:pool-34-thread-1] [TFSTeamProjectCollection] Error getting data provider Read timed out

Can we shorten the connection timeout somehow? Full logs can be provided, I would just prefer not to attach them to a public issue

Comments (10)

  1. Sergey Podobry

    It's very unlikely that the issue is related to access denied exceptions. There are 5 read timed out exception while access denied exceptions are much more. Also we observed no issues with access denied exceptions in our lab.


    Bamboo sends a request, a socket connection is established but no repsonse is given.


    Go to a Bamboo administration page, click Log settings, change to DEBUG and click Save. This will enable extended TFS logging (note that the settings are not persistent and will be reset to defaults on restart). Do this after lowering socket timeout value so you don't need to wait 30 minutes.


    Set socket timeout to a lower value (How to set socket timeout). I think 60-120 seconds will be enough.

  2. Brian Andersen reporter


    I will give it a try. That setting is probably what it is. We recently went through and purged several incorrectly configured TFS repos, and the most recent Bamboo restart went much more quickly. I will let you know.

  3. Brian Andersen reporter

    Sergey: I think the is our solution. We had to restart Bamboo a couple of times yesterday to resolve another issue (as well as update the TFS plugin from 1.1.17dev1 to 1.1.18) and all restarts were quick. I think you can close this issue.

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