Error labeling branch in tfs from Bamboo

Issue #77 open
Sysadmin created an issue

Hello, we are using this plugin in Bamboo to build TFS Projects.

Then we have to label the branch “Merge_USA-Integration” when the build is finished.

We have two plans.

In one plan we have an error labelling the branch.

Bellow is the error we are getting:

build   27-Jun-2019 18:09:38    Creating TFS label
build   27-Jun-2019 18:09:38    ---
build   27-Jun-2019 18:09:38    ---
build   27-Jun-2019 18:09:38    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\TestController\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\tf.exe vc label 3.9.16-usa-11 D:\BB\build\360449\WIGOS-PRODUSA-JOB1 /collection: /recursive /comment:Bamboo_build, revision=113946, previousRevision=113946
build   27-Jun-2019 18:09:38    WSI.WigosGUI 18.614-usa-11 + WSI.Cashier 18.431-usa-11 + WSI.Service 18.137-usa-11 + WSI.WC2_Service 18.348-usa-11 + WSI.WWP_Server 18.227-usa-11 + WSI.WWP_Client 18.227-usa-11 + WSI.PSA_Client 18.109-usa-11 + WSI.AFIP_Client 18.63-usa-11 + WSI.Protocols 18.83-usa-11 + WSI.Database 18.507-usa-11 + WSI.MultisiteDB 18.157-usa-11 + WSI.WigosMultiSiteGUI 18.247-usa-11 
build   27-Jun-2019 18:09:38    ---
error   27-Jun-2019 18:09:39    There is no working folder mapping for D:\BB\build\360449\WIGOS-PRODUSA-JOB1.
build   27-Jun-2019 18:09:39    [DEBUG] lastError = 100
build   27-Jun-2019 18:09:39    [DEBUG] errorCount = 0
error   27-Jun-2019 18:09:40    Error #100 in Creating TFS label
error   27-Jun-2019 18:09:40    At C:\Tools\PS\Common.ps1:19 char:9
error   27-Jun-2019 18:09:40    +         throw $exception
error   27-Jun-2019 18:09:40    +         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
error   27-Jun-2019 18:09:40        + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (Error #100 in Creating TFS la 
error   27-Jun-2019 18:09:40       bel:String) [], RuntimeException
error   27-Jun-2019 18:09:40        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Error #100 in Creating TFS label
error   27-Jun-2019 18:09:40     
simple  27-Jun-2019 18:09:40    Failing task since return code of [powershell -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy bypass -Command C:\Tools\PS\_wigos.ps1 'D:\BB\build\360449\WIGOS-PRODUSA-JOB1' -buildNumber 11 -prereleaseLabel '-usa' -bucketName 'usa-sprints' -revisionTFS 113946 -previousRevisionTFS 113946] was 1 while expected 0
simple  27-Jun-2019 18:09:40    Finished task 'build' with result: Failed

Aparently the workspace exists:

C:\tools\deploy>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\TestController\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\tf.exe" workspaces /collection:

Workspace Owner Computer Comment

Bamboo_TEST-WIG-JOB1_5c436ff7_EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo workspace
Bamboo_TEST-WIG-JOB1_e532e83_EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo workspace
Bamboo_WIGOS-A2C-SONWIG_5f9ce0e9_EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo workspace
Bamboo_WIGOS-A2C-SONWIG_702c549d_EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo workspace
Bamboo_WIGOS-PRODUSA-JOB1_398e011a_EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo workspace
Bamboo_WIGOS-PRODUSA-JOB1_df88d64e_EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo workspace

Bamboo_WIGOS-WC3-SONWIG_96dbcc70_EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo workspace
Bamboo_WIGOS-WC3-SONWIG_a938f6bc_EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo workspace
Bamboo_WIGOS-WIGMINT-JOB1_d67cf5b8_EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo workspace
Bamboo_WIGOS-WIGMINT-JOB1_e5631744_EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo workspace
Bamboo_WIGOS-WIGSAL-JOB1_3431fa76_EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo workspace
Bamboo_WIGOS-WIGSAL-JOB1_f65dcb82_EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo workspace
Bamboo_WIGOS-WITFS6-JOB1_1fbd4269_EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo workspace
Bamboo_WIGOS-WITFS-JOB1_1440732a_EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo workspace
Bamboo_WIGOS-WITFS-JOB1_f093fe1e_EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo workspace
Bamboo_WIGOS-WQ-SONWIG_291e5cb4_EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo workspace
Bamboo_WIGOS-WQ-SONWIG_8e29cba8_EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo workspace
Bamboo_WIGOS-WRE-JOB1_943f4b4e_EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo workspace
Bamboo_WIGOS-WRE-JOB1_dbac3c9a_EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo EC2AMAZ-MKN140B Bamboo workspace

But we execute the same command in other plan and other branch “SalonesS11” and it’s working fine:

build   27-Jun-2019 15:36:30    Creating TFS label
build   27-Jun-2019 15:36:30    ---
build   27-Jun-2019 15:36:30    ---
build   27-Jun-2019 15:36:30    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\TestController\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\tf.exe vc label 3.9.16-salones-81 D:\BB\build\360449\WIGOS-WIGSAL-JOB1 /collection: /recursive /comment:Bamboo_build, revision=113954, previousRevision=113954
build   27-Jun-2019 15:36:30    WSI.WigosGUI 18.103-salones-81 + WSI.Cashier 18.100-salones-81 + WSI.Service 18.85-salones-81 + WSI.WC2_Service 18.85-salones-81 + WSI.WWP_Server 18.85-salones-81 + WSI.WWP_Client 18.85-salones-81 + WSI.PSA_Client 18.85-salones-81 + WSI.AFIP_Client 18.85-salones-81 + WSI.Protocols 18.85-salones-81 + WSI.Database 18.577-salones-81 + WSI.MultisiteDB 18.227-salones-81 + WSI.WigosMultiSiteGUI 18.103-salones-81 
build   27-Jun-2019 15:36:30    ---
error   27-Jun-2019 15:36:31    Ignoring the /collection option.
build   27-Jun-2019 15:36:37    Created label 3.9.16-salones-81@$/Wigos Project

Do you have any idea where is the problem?

This is the configuration for 2 plans:

Thanks for advanced.

Comments (2)

  1. Sergey Podobry

    Sorry for the late response (summer is a vacation period).

    Useful information can be retrieved from C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\4.0\Cache\VersionControl.config. Look at the `MappedPaths` tag for Bamboo_WIGOS-PRODUSA-JOB1_398e011a_EC2AMAZ-MKN140B and Bamboo_WIGOS-PRODUSA-JOB1_df88d64e_EC2AMAZ-MKN140B workspaces. Also I can see that there are 2 repositories per a build plan, so take a look at the Checkout Directory in a Source Code Checkout task.

    If it’s possible could you send C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\4.0\Cache\VersionControl.config to so we can take a look at it too?

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