Build link not created in Jira issue

Issue #79 invalid
Schleyer, Tom created an issue

In testing the TFS plugin and getting a Bamboo build link to appear in a Jira issue, I’ve only had success by starting a build with the “Run customized…” option. If I select the “Run plan” option, the build summary lists the associated Jira issue, but does not create a build link in the issue (build summary also indicates “0 related build“). Is this a limitation of the plugin or possibly a bug?

Comments (8)

  1. Sergey Podobry

    The plugin doesn’t need to do anything specific for Jira integration - it should be handled by Bamboo itself. However we’ll check this functionality at our lab and ping you back.

    What version on Bamboo and Jira do you use?

    Do you see build links in Jira for another build plans?

  2. Schleyer, Tom reporter

    Jira version 7.13.0

    Bamboo version 6.9.2

    I’ve tested several build plans, but only seen the link get created when using the “Run customized…“ option.

  3. Schleyer, Tom reporter

    I’m noticing similar behavior with a build plan that uses a Bitbucket repository, so this may be an issue with Bamboo. I’ll submit a support request in that portal. Thanks.

  4. Sergey Podobry

    Just to let you know: we checked it on your exact versions and it worked fine. I think the issue can be closed now.

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