TFS Checkin doesnt trigger build

Issue #8 invalid
Dwight Biddle created an issue

Currently we are evaluating bamboo, and the TFS plugin is an extremely important component to be working properly if we want to move forward. I am currently having two problems with this plugin that hopefully you can help me resolve.

  1. Source checkout always gets all files (In a separate email you said this would be released next week. What is the upgrade path?)
  2. When i check a file into the same repository space that my build is checking out, the build is not getting started automatically.

My setup is as follows:

  • 1 plan, with 1 state with 1 job that has a list of tasks (checkout, build, copy to drop location).
  • I have a TFS repository set up and pointing at $/Code
  • I have a checkout task step in my job for this repository
  • I have a trigger set up to poll every 60 seconds to see if there have been any changes to source control

Now, someone checked in a change to $/Code, but 45 minutes later the build still has not fired.

Please let me know if there is anything you think i should change on my end, or if this is a bug in the plugin.

Comments (10)

  1. Sergey Podobry

    As for 1. Source checkout always gets all files - yes, it will be resolved in the next release. The upgrade path is simple - just upgrade the plugin on administration page and restart the service.

  2. Dwight Biddle reporter

    As an update, I actually resolved the build triggering issue by upgrading from 1.0.1 to version 1.0.6

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