
Issue #4 wontfix
tom enos created an issue

Can I apply pylint to your code? At least the python part of it.
It would only apply to white space and name spaces (variables, method name and class names, line length, tab vs space)

Kind of a code clean up to make it more readable. Maybe add or improve the docstrings. No changes to functionality, just visual.

Comments (6)

  1. tom enos reporter

    Almost done with lint, just working out a few little things. I will send you a pull request on Monday, then get to work bringing this upto master.

  2. tom enos reporter

    I changed the work process, instead of a lint complaint versions on Monday I will have a version that is updated to something close to the master branch by Tuesday. It will not include sms support as you removed it. But it will include the the current networking code and per-song configurations, and all other files will be upgraded to Todds master branch.

    Do you wish me to continue? I can have a pull request ready to test by Tuesday. No command lines options, not sms, just what you have working now + custom configs and networking.

  3. Stephen Burning repo owner

    Tom, this sounds great. I really appreciate all the work you are putting into this.

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