IRV Stroll (alternative vote)

Issue #44 new
Colin created an issue

I know it's pushing a bit on what Stroll is for, but I would be amazed if we could get IRV support in Stroll.

The use case I have is our weekly team lunch, we're trying to figure out where to go. Right now we rely on which doesn't take into account preferences of everyone and we often end up with ties that are annoying to resolve. Alternative vote would fix this problem.


Comments (1)

  1. Colin Account Deactivated reporter

    While I'm at it, not sure how the implementation works, but technically there should one step which is method to record the vote (ballot type: plurality voting/single vote, approval voting/multiple votes, ranked voting/preferential vote, range voting) and one which is using an algorithm to pick the winner.

    This would open the ability to support many other voting systems.

    Obviously implementing everything is a stretch, but it would be interesting to dissociate the ballot gathering method from the winner picking one, this way preferential voting would open the possibility of doing either instant run-off, schulze or borda.

    More on wikipedia - Compliance of selected single-winner methods

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