reaction upon login

Issue #5 resolved
b created an issue

When a user logs in, they should be directed somewhere (e.g. their profile) so they can tell that the process worked. Right now, e.g. after requesting a password reset and pressing 'login', the page does not react - the user has to guess that something succeeded and start navigating to see if that is true.

Comments (3)

  1. Margaret Wallace

    This is also technically not a bug. It is a requested new feature. We can put this on the list for future iterations.

    An interim solution would be to create copy in the registration confirmation email that has links to the Player Profile and to other sections of the website.

    I will see if there is an easy workaround but this is supposed to be a rough prototype.

  2. b reporter

    Agreed, misclassified as a bug. However this is important and trivial to improve.
    All it needs is some UI event to tell the user the process succeeded.

    e.g. in js, a pop up: alert("You succeeded in doing what you were trying to do!"); or a redirect to another page (e.g. their profile or home page).
    or a timed CSS style change

    Should not be more than 10 minutes of work, nothing fancy requested.

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