Install/update via "applets" manager of cinnamon does not work

Issue #2 resolved
Tomas Kopal created an issue

When trying to install/update the applet via cinnamon applets, the installation/update fails with a message "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/tmp10WPiU/metadata.json'". I believe the problem is that the archive contains one additional level of folders, namely the "/sumitraja-cinnamon-ssh-launcher-1.2/" folder in the root. According to packaging instructions: there should be just one folder with named by the applet UUID. (Not sure what to do with the remaining files, like though).

Thank you for your work on this great applet.

Comments (3)

  1. Mike

    @sumitraja Any chance you could fix this little issue? It only requires to fix the directory structure in the package. As it is now, the package is not installable.

  2. Sumit Raja repo owner

    Working on it. Just realised the editor launch does not work on Sarah. I'll create a pull for the current broken one to fix #2 and raise a new ticket to fix the launch editor.

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