Extremely excessive commenting of the code

Issue #7 on hold
qeeg created an issue

Seriously, there are so many comments on self-explanatory code that it just makes the code HARDER to read, not easier. It’s straight up excessive how much this code is commented.

Comments (3)

  1. superfury repo owner

    I’m busy right now cleaning up the code somewhat. Although the comments on the code itself will probably stay (with exception to the BIOS menu code (biosmenu.c), which will need fixing anyways due to the copy-pasting not having the comments adjusted properly), I’ve already removed most commented out blocks of code and am right now removing the single liners of commented out code as well.

    That would clean up most of the comments that are not needed.

    The comments on most code is simply to either keep track of what’s happening in the different blocks (due to them being very large sometimes) and explaining things as a sort of documentation.

  2. superfury repo owner

    Just finished removing all commented code where possible. That’s already quite a lot of comments less.

    Only left the comments there when they explain something about the code (no matter if it might be obvious) to properly document it.
    Also left some of the commented if-clauses, because they display why the opening and closing brackets are there at all (otherwise they would look weird).

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