PDF Output / Way of Compile

Issue #19 closed
Przemek Czyronis created an issue

Hi ;) ... i was looking for good posters template in Latex and i found Your work. I have some problems with compilation. I use two methods 1) Latex -> dvips ->ps2pdf -> pdf (1.pdf attachment) and 2) pdflatex -> pdf (2.pdf attachment)

I get two differently looking posters in pdf. With 1st method I get Title style and with 2nd method I get better look but no Title styles. In first method I get 1 warning : "your graphic driver pgfsys-dvips.def does not support fadi".

Do You have any ideas why I cant get poster which look like Your. How I need to compile my *.TEX files?

Best Regards

Comments (2)

  1. Przemek Czyronis reporter
    • edited description

    Edit. 1. I just noticed that in my Internet browser (FF) everything is ok ... but when i open the file in PDF reader (Adobe) I see problem.

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