With empty \titlegraphic the template will not compile

Issue #29 new
Adam Liter created an issue

The file tikzposter-template.tex does not compile if \titlegraphic is empty.

It throws the error:

LaTeX Error: There's no line here to end.


        {\bfseries \Huge \sc \@title \par}
        {\huge \@author \par}
        {\LARGE \@institute}


        {\bfseries \Huge \sc \@title \par}
        {\huge \@author \par}
        {\LARGE \@institute}

fixes this.

Comments (2)

  1. Adam Liter reporter

    Actually, a better fix would be to use etoolbox's \ifdefempty in case of \titlegraphic{ } (see here):

            {\bfseries \Huge \sc \@title \par}
            {\huge \@author \par}
            {\LARGE \@institute}
  2. matthewjohnrussell

    Any progress on getting the fix into the main code? I just got hit by the bug and it took me a while to figure out it was a problem in the documentclass rather than in my own code (partly due to the lack of line numbers in the Latex error for some reason)! Thanks

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