
Stephen Valdinger Collect Toner % Remaining

Created by Stephen Valdinger last modified
Function Get-XeroxTonerStatus {
    Scans printers on a network via SNMP for toner level percentages

    Pulls the Capacity value, and current value of the toner cartridges, and does math to read back a percentage.
    If the percentage is less than or equal to your threshold value, a toast notification is raised on target computer(s).

    .PARAMETER AlertThresholdPercentage
    The % a toner needs to be at before a toast is raised. Low number recommended (ie, 5)

    .PARAMETER SnmpString
    The GET snmp string utilized on your network

    .PARAMETER Printers
    A CSV file containg the following headers:
    IP Address,Name,FriendlyName,Type

    .PARAMETER Computers
    Array of computers to send a toast notification too.

    Get-XeroxTonerStatus -Printers "F:\Automation\ToastData.csv" -SnmpString 'Fancy-String' -AlertThresholdPercentage 50

    Get-XeroxTonerStatus -Printers "F:\Automation\ToastData.csv" -Computers pc1,pc2,pc3 -SnmpString 'Fancy-String' -AlertThresholdPercentage 50


        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 2)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 3)]
    Import-Module BurntToast
    If(!(Test-Path C:\usr\bin\snmpget.exe)){
       Write-Error "Net-SNMP required. Install:"

    #region: OID Values. Tested on Xerox Altalink C8035,C8055, Versalink C405,C400,B400. Your may need to adjust these per your models.
    $blackFullOID = '.'
    $blackCurrentOID = '.'
    $yellowFullOID = '.'
    $yellowCurrentOID = '.'
    $magentaFullOID = '.'
    $magentaCurrentOID = '.'
    $cyanFullOID = '.'
    $cyanCurrentOID = '.'
    #end region

    $Data = Import-Csv $Printers
    Foreach ($printer in $Data) {
        $ip = $printer.'IP Address'
        #region check connectivity and gather snmp data
        If (!(Test-Connection $ip -Quiet -Count 1)) {

            New-BurntToastNotification -Text "Printer: $($printer.FriendlyName) appears OFFLINE!" -AppLogo "F:\Automation\Images\K.png"

        Else {
            Write-Verbose -Message "Gathering data on: $($printer.FriendlyName)"
            If ($printer.Type -notmatch 'BW') {
                $blackFullReading = C:\usr\bin\snmpget -v '2c' -c $SnmpString -O v $ip $blackFullOID
                $blackCurrentReading = C:\usr\bin\snmpget -v '2c' -c $SnmpString -O v $ip $blackCurrentOID

                $yellowFullReading = C:\usr\bin\snmpget -v '2c' -c $SnmpString -O v $ip $yellowFullOID
                $yellowCurrentReading = C:\usr\bin\snmpget -v '2c' -c $SnmpString -O v $ip $yellowCurrentOID

                $magentaFullReading = C:\usr\bin\snmpget -v '2c' -c $SnmpString -O v $ip $magentaFullOID
                $magentaCurrentReading = C:\usr\bin\snmpget -v '2c' -c $SnmpString -O v $ip $magentaCurrentOID

                $cyanFullReading = C:\usr\bin\snmpget -v '2c' -c $SnmpString -O v $ip $cyanFullOID
                $cyanCurrentReading = C:\usr\bin\snmpget -v '2c' -c $SnmpString -O v $ip $cyanCurrentOID


            Else {
                $blackFullReading = C:\usr\bin\snmpget -v '2c' -c $SnmpString -O v $ip $blackFullOID
                $blackCurrentReading = C:\usr\bin\snmpget -v '2c' -c $SnmpString -O v $ip $blackCurrentOID

            #Region extract only digits from snmp string
            $blackFull = $blackFullReading.Split(':')[1].Trim()
            $blackCurrent = $blackCurrentReading.Split(':')[1].Trim()

            $yellowFull = $yellowFullReading.Split(':')[1].Trim()
            $yellowCurrent = $yellowCurrentReading.Split(':')[1].Trim()

            $magentaFull = $magentaFullReading.Split(':')[1].Trim()
            $magentaCurrent = $magentaCurrentReading.Split(':')[1].Trim()

            $cyanFull = $cyanFullReading.Split(':')[1].Trim()
            $cyanCurrent = $cyanCurrentReading.Split(':')[1].Trim()

            #Region: Create objects of each % value
            [pscustomobject]$blackPercentRemaining = @{
                Value    = [math]::Round(([int]$blackCurrent / [int]$blackFull) * 100)
                Toner    = 'Black'
                Friendly = $printer | Select-Object -Expand FriendlyName


            [pscustomobject]$yellowPercentRemaining = @{ 
                Value    = [math]::round(([int]$yellowCurrent / [int]$yellowFull) * 100)
                Toner    = 'Yellow'
                Friendly = $printer | Select-Object -Expand FriendlyName
            [pscustomobject]$magentaPercentRemaining = @{
                Value    = [math]::Round(([int]$magentaCurrent / [int]$magentaFull) * 100)
                Toner    = 'Magenta'
                Friendly = $printer | Select-Object -Expand FriendlyName
            [pscustomobject]$cyanPercentRemaining = @{
                Value    = [math]::Round(([int]$cyanCurrent / [int] $cyanFull) * 100)
                Toner    = 'Cyan'
                Friendly = $printer | Select-Object -Expand FriendlyName
            #Region check values and raise alerts
            $readings = @($blackPercentRemaining, $yellowPercentRemaining, $magentaPercentRemaining, $cyanPercentRemaining)
            $lowArray = @()

            Foreach ($r in $readings) {
                If ($r.Value -le $alertThresholdPercentage) {
                    $lowArray += $r
            }#value foreach

            Foreach ($l in $lowArray) {
                $toastParams = @{

                    Text    = ("Toner Alert for $($l.Friendly)", "$($l.Toner) Toner is at $($l.Value)%! Replace soon!")
                    Sound   = 'Reminder' 
                    AppLogo = "F:\Automation\Images\K.png" 
                New-BurntToastNotification  @toastParams
                Else {
                Foreach($C in $Computers){
                   [pscustomobject]$toastParams = @{

                    Text    = ("Toner Alert for $($l.Friendly)", "$($l.Toner) Toner is at $($l.Value)%! Replace soon!")
                    Sound   = "Reminder" 
                   Invoke-Command -Computername $C -Scriptblock { New-BurntToastNotification -Text ($args[0],$args[1])} -Args $toastParams.Text
            }#toast foreach

        }#logic else
    }#printer foreach


Get-XeroxTonerStatus -Printers "F:\Automation\ToastData.csv" -SnmpString 'Test-SNMPSTring' -AlertThresholdPercentage 5 -Verbose

Comments (1)

  1. Linda Melson

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