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phpsdkswikly / Accept a swik

How do I know what the final user will see ?

When you create a swik:

  • if you set setSendEmail to true you will have an email at the address you gave in setClientEmail('the_email_address') with a link to accept the Swik.

  • If you set setSendEmail to false you can still have the accepting address as a return of your API call ex.:

    $result = $swkAPI->newSwik($swik);
    echo $result['acceptUrl'];

How I can fully test it ?

In the sandbox environment you can accept a swik by yourself.

Once you have clicked on the acceptance link, if you want to accept the Swik you will need to provide credit card information.

We set up a system with test credit cards and you can use one of them:

With these credit card numbers you can use any expiry date in the future.

The security code can be anything (or almost, see the Testing error part).

Testing error

You can simulate an error while you are accepting a swik.

For that you need to use the security code: 999

The same error could happen in the production environment if the client provide wrong information or has no money on his bank account.

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