Compilation fails during macroexpansion

Issue #1 on hold
Brit Butler created an issue

I'm trying to get your library into quicklisp. Xach ran into some trouble. Could you look into it?

; file: /home/xach/quicklisp-controller/dist/build-cache/compact-radix-tree/c0e73825f8ca44e6a788e4045bcfcc05b5bf554d/compact-radix-tree-20111228-git/internal.lisp ; in: DEFUN MAKE-RADIX-TREE ; (COMPACT-RADIX-TREE::TREE-HEADER-SIZE) ; ; caught ERROR: ; during macroexpansion of (TREE-HEADER-SIZE). Use BREAK-ON-SIGNALS to intercept: ; error while parsing arguments to DEFMACRO TREE-HEADER-SIZE:invalid number of elements in () to satisfy lambda list (#:BIT-FIELD0): exactly 1 expected, but 0 found

Comments (1)

  1. Alexey Voznyuk repo owner

    Oh, I think the project is not ready for quicklisp yet. I'm working now on bitfield-schema dsl package (which compact-radix-tree requires), and I need some time to release stable versions of libraries.

    I will notify when I finish my work.

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