Multiple thread starts in threaded_query

Issue #4 resolved
Paul Stasiuk repo owner created an issue

Multiple threads are started in the threded query when an unstarted item is found:

/Users/pstasiuk/git/cacw_deploy/import_heart Sleeping! waking up! 44 tblLakeMichiganData_TEST_SMALL Starting thread!

/Users/pstasiuk/git/cacw_deploy Sleeping! waking up! 44 tblLakeMichiganData_TEST_SMALL Starting thread!

Sleeping! /Users/pstasiuk/git/cacw_deploy/www/cacw_files/amaps/tblLakeMichiganData_TEST_SMALL tblLakeMichiganData_TEST_SMALL waking up! 44 tblLakeMichiganData_TEST_SMALL Starting thread!

Insertion ID is 44 /Users/pstasiuk/git/cacw_deploy/www/cacw_files/amaps/tblLakeMichiganData_TEST_SMALL tblLakeMichiganData_TEST_SMALL Insertion ID is 44 /Users/pstasiuk/git/cacw_deploy/www/cacw_files/amaps/tblLakeMichiganData_TEST_SMALL tblLakeMichiganData_TEST_SMALL Insertion ID is 44

Comments (2)

  1. Paul Stasiuk reporter

    Resolved in commit d45ff8a for the mac_deploy branch. Need to merge the changes between the mac_deploy branch and windows_deploy branch.

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