End of Mercurial

Issue #17 resolved
Matthieu Dartiailh created an issue

Since Bitbucket is removing Mercurial support will you port this project to git ?

Comments (3)

  1. Thomas Kluyver repo owner

    Either that or move to one of the remaining Mercurial hosting services. I’ve been dithering about it since the announcement. It’s a shame that I’ve never heard of any of the Mercurial hosting options besides Sourceforge (and moving to Sourceforge doesn’t appeal much).

  2. Thomas Kluyver repo owner

    After discovering that Bitbucket has a way to import & export issues, I decided to move to git and keep it on Bitbucket, so this is back as a git repository now. I renamed the mercurial repo to greentreesnakes-hg, but it will be deleted in a few months.

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